Pedra, Papel e Tesoura

1 de julho de 2018

Górgias’ “Praise of Helena”.

Filed under: Livros, Passatempos, Saúde e bem-estar — Tags:, , , — Yure @ 13:11

Praise of Helena was written by Górgias. Below are some notes that I took about his text.

  1. Order is truth, beauty, wisdom, justice, and whatever opposes to it is disorder.
  2. Good reputation is worth praise.
  3. The truth frees you from ignorance.
  4. Did Helena go to Troy on her own?
  5. If Helen went there because she needed to, it’s excusable.
  6. If she was kidnapped, too.
  7. Speech is like magic: it incites or calms emotions, subtly manipulates behavior.
  8. Speeches can take advantage of a soul’s mistakes, manipulating it through it’s weaknesses.
  9. Lies only work with ignorant people.
  10. You are ignorant when you accept opinions without questioning them first.
  11. What if Helena had been convinced?
  12. If she was convinced to leave to Troy, it is also excusable; she was manipulated.
  13. Convincing those who have scientific knowledge also requires scientific knowledge and perhaps a good speech, but that doesn’t mean you are supposed to say the truth to convince.
  14. A powerful speech can be like poison or even medicine.
  15. If Helena was seduced by Alexander, it is excusable, since love is capable of distorting behavior and thinking.
  16. This book also is an opinion-shaping speech.

1 Comentário »

  1. […] Se algo é lógico, mas o contrário é verificável sensivelmente, então o lógico é suspeito. […]


    Pingback por Anotações sobre o “Emílio”, do Rousseau. | Analecto — 19 de julho de 2018 @ 14:25

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