Pedra, Papel e Tesoura

28 de janeiro de 2019

What I learned reading “Manifesto of the Communist Party”.

Filed under: Livros — Tags:, , — Yure @ 17:25

“Manifesto of the Communist Party” was written by Marx and Engels. Below, what I learned by reading their text.

  1. When people accuse each other of being communists, it is time for a real Communist to come up and explain what communism is.

  2. “Communist” is often used pejoratively.

  3. There are two classes that fight each other in all historical stages: oppressors and oppressed.

  4. This war always culminates in one of two ways: the two die or society changes paradigm.

  5. The industry has made primitive manufacturing obsolete.

  6. The freedoms earned with effort can be sacrificed in the name of freedom of trade.

  7. Bourgeois oppression subjugates personal talents by the power of wages.

  8. The existence of the bourgeoisie depends on the advance of the means and the relations of production.

  9. The advance of the bourgeoisie can no longer recede: we can’t go back to how things were before that, nor we would want to.

  10. We now need things produced in other countries; we can no longer maintain our level of comfort with only the things we produce in our country.

  11. “Intellectual possessions” are also subject to export and import.

  12. The advancement of the bourgeois way of life makes the richer and more powerful nations subjugate the weakest culturally.

  13. Such subjugation unifies territories.

  14. The good side of the bourgeois way of life was an unprecedented technological advance.

  15. The bourgeois class began to rise when the forces of production surpassed the capacity of the old feudal system.

  16. Their ascension, then, is due to the lack of freedom in an old system and the increasing demand for freedom.

  17. The excessively rapid growth of the forces of production, however, enable overproduction .

  18. It seems that the end of capitalism will be a natural event because crises of overproduction grow in intensity.

  19. Eventually, we will enter into an economic crisis without being able to overcome it.

  20. The worker is also merchandise: in effect, you have a price.

  21. A lot of people live to work.

  22. When the means of production evolves, some jobs are less demanded.

  23. If you are fighting someone, do not attack that person’s enemies.

  24. Victory does not last forever: it needs to be maintained and can only be maintained at great cost.

  25. Each victory brings the warriors together (in this case, workers).

  26. A workers’ party will only succeed if the workers stop competing with each other.

  27. One should never stop fighting for rights if the rights are insufficient.

  28. The elite are not always in agreement with each other and this is an advantage for the masses.

  29. If one side of the elite wants to overcome the other, that side needs help from the common people: whoever convinces the most ordinary people wins .

  30. A worker is the same anywhere in the world: he can earn more, he can earn less, but he is always exploited.

  31. A revolution made by the working class is a revolution made by the majority, which would be unique.

  32. Workers must destroy the elite.

  33. The elite needs the workers, so it gives them livelihoods, but do workers need the elite?

  34. Disarming workers requires wage manipulation: if those who are more aligned to the status quo are the ones who earn better wages, workers will be less inclined to dissent.

  35. However, if workers come together in groups claiming a raise for everyone, it becomes more difficult to employ that strategy.

  36. Not every worker is a communist .

  37. Communism has no mentors … or, at least, it should not have: its theoretical referential are the workers themselves who decide the agenda together.

  38. Private property must be abolished.

  39. The minimum wage is called “minimum” because it is just enough to keep you alive and working.

  40. If the minimum wage increases, it is because the cost of living has also increased.

  41. On the other hand, it is possible to increase the minimum wage without an increase in the living costs, but this allows traders to raise prices.

  42. Raising the minimum wage also increases the living cost: you can not have comfort by just earning a minimum wage unless your cost of living is especially low (as is the case with single men).

  43. The less you earn, the more you feel like you need your job: you will do whatever the boss says just to stay in the job, even at the cost of personal dignity.

  44. When someone says that something will bring more freedom, ask yourself “freedom for who?”.

  45. The freedom of the elite is the freedom for buying and selling.

  46. Thus the freedom of the elite has nothing to do with the freedom of us, people.

  47. In communism, what you produce is yours.

  48. It is possible to earn money without working .

  49. If there are no bosses, people will work for themselves.

  50. The family must be abolished .

  51. The family favors child exploitation by the parents themselves.

  52. They say that communism wants to destroy family education, but family education has already been destroyed when the elite invented school and childhood, making education a responsibility of the state.

  53. What’s the use of marriage?

  54. Freedom to have sex to anyone who agrees, as long as it’s healthy.

  55. Anyone can be a cuck, even in the elite.

  56. The woman does not belong to anyone.

  57. A lot of rich people are cucks.

  58. There is no need to “sell your body “, prostitution does not exist in communism.

  59. Communism has no “homeland”.

  60. Workers are one nation in all territories.

  61. The dominant ideas are those of the elite: our concept of right and wrong, for example, is imposed from above.

  62. The elite wants one intellectual to compete with another, rather than working together.

  63. Children should not work in factories, but they can produce through safer means.

  64. The child must learn normal curricular content, but must learn, along with this curriculum or as part of it, a profession.
  65. If political struggle is not possible at the moment, fight at least in the intellectual field.

  66. Socialism can be reactionary as well.

  67. When you read a book from another country, keep in mind that bringing the book to Brazil does not mean bringing the country of origin with the book: a political analysis about the France does not apply to Brazil.

  68. Human aspirations do not necessarily coincide with the aspirations of a class.

  69. Do not bet everything if you have nothing to win.

  70. There are socialists in the elite as well.

  71. The only thing the state should do is to manage the collective production.

6 Comentários »

  1. Nice job, Yure. I do have a few comments:

    Arguable, the minimum wage is not really enough to even keep you alive unless you have more than one job.

    53 & 56. What do you mean by this? In communism would a woman belong to herself, everyone or no one?

    I feel like this is a more authoritarian-communist thing to say, but I lean towards anarcho (or libertarian) communism. And, I wonder how this would be done. I’m leaning towards being against mandatory, fixed, common-core curriculum.


    Comentário por Hikari — 2 de fevereiro de 2019 @ 22:02

    • Ah, I can’t seem to edit my message, but the first comment referred to #39 and the third comment to #64.

      Curtido por 1 pessoa

      Comentário por Hikari — 2 de fevereiro de 2019 @ 22:03

    • I was just saying what the book says, worry much not. And, at least here, you can survive with minimum wage, though that might change, as the minimum wage is going to be reduced under Bolsonaro’s administration.
      In the Portuguese text that I used, the term is “comunidade das mulheres”, in the sense of “women being public”, which means that there would be no marriage. I didn’t notice that the translations were contradictory, thanks for pointing out. It’s a matter of fixing the wording. But yes, women belong to no one.
      As someone who aspires to be a teacher, as long as I get to teach, I don’t mind what would be the form of the school, provided it taught what is needed to survive and be a good member of society.


      Comentário por Yure — 3 de fevereiro de 2019 @ 10:34

  2. Greetings Yuri

    In truth the concept of “competition” is not natural in that upon Earth there is no scarcity. True Communism does not permit the existence of any form of currency because all currency by its nature can only ever be a worthless thing that is perceived as valuable. Without wealth there can be no poverty or “classes”. Earth is at this moment a Capitalist World with only different expressions of “Communism”. These fears of scarcity cause a desire for ownership over all things including other humans and are expressed within society by such horrors as abortion and hoarding. Yuri, you already know that the economic driver of “profit” is a failure and that currency has evolved into theft. Due to “Profit” all goods must be flawed so that they must be constantly replaced, upgraded etc and that to cure and even rid the Earth of ailments is not a profitable objective for Corporations which have already seized this world. Currency is not equally distributed, not even presented on equal footing across the Earth. I hope I have persuaded you to consider what would happen to Earth if all currency and borders were finally eliminated, Universal Human Rights created, Universal Laws presented.
    Humans require only the labour of each other, nature and the planet for all things. It is difficult for many humans to even begin ti imagine what would happen in a World without private ownership and therefore no bills or costs or debts or dues. I cannot go into greater detail here.

    Curtido por 1 pessoa

    Comentário por octaevius — 29 de janeiro de 2019 @ 17:25

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